Culture, leisure and sport

Getxo Cultural Centre

The Getxo Cultural Centre organises an annual programme of activities that is designed to put on a wide variety of events where there is something for everybody.

The Classroom programs activities for young and adult, festivales people of musics of all type (jazz, folk, blues, classic, choral music, Havanan…), fairs and halls (crafts, emergent art, comic), theater, cinema, dance, bertsolarismo, exhibitions, folklore…

In addition it serves of libraries that makes available of the usuary people more than 100.000 volumes. In order to accede to the loan of books it is precise to ask for in the same library the library membership card. All the bottom is computerized and can be consulted from anyone of the centers.

An ongoing leisure and cultural programme is available throughout the year: Theatre season, Cinema cycles (Cine-Club and Cinema Paradiso, Children's cinema), exhibitions, talks, conferences and other activities.

Further information



Polideportivos of Fadura and Gobela

They offer a variety of facilities for the practice of numerous sports: swimming, athletics, tennis, gymnastics, basketball, hockey, etc. In them also some sport modality can be learned thanks to its courses, directed by specialized personnel.

In order to accede to the facilities it only needs to pay the established price.

Requirements necessary to enter on the rolls like subscriber of Getxo Kirolak:

  • Certificate of registering as a resident of the City council of Getxo of all the family.
  • A photography of each one, so large card. Only necessary as of the three years of age.
  • Book of family. It is not necessary for the individual subscribers.
  • To fill up the form of discharge request.
  • Title of numerous family.


Other polideportivos in the municipality (it isn`t necesary to be associated for his use)

School of Music

In the "Andrés Isasi" School of Music musical education is offered to all those people who have restlessness to learn music.

There is a supply of complete instrumental education, opened to all the musical tendencies and where the age is not an obstacle for the learning.

A School of Music with an attractive and pedagogically musically effective project is offered.